Gardening Abundance

For those who, like me, are checking your new beds (garden or container) every day for progress or, frustratingly as we want huge progress every day, don’t we? πŸ™‚ lack of it. I have never had so much produce to harvest. And all from the expenditure of a few dollars, watering by me, or rain and very changeable weather. With such an amazing abundance of courgettes I really must find a good recipe as my family all have enough they say.Β 


  • Courgettes β€“ The fresher the better. If you’re growing them yourself, try to use them before they get too big as they can get very watery.
  • Feta cheese β€“ Or Greek Salad cheese
  • Eggs β€“ I use medium, free-range
  • Garlic β€“ You can use fresh or jarred/paste/frozen if you prefer
  • Dill β€“ A small bunch of fresh dill has a big impact, so please do try and add this
  • Mint β€“ Also fresh
  • Dried oregano
  • Plain flour
  • Breadcrumbs β€“ I use good quality ready-made ones (Panko style) to save time but you can make your own if you prefer.
  • Red onion
  • Oil β€“ Olive oil or sunflower oil if you prefer
  • Yoghurt, mint and lemon β€“ To serve (optional)
  • How to make Courgette Fritters. Step 4. Set the patties on a baking tray and cook in the oven.

1. Grate your courgettes and squeeze as much liquid out as possible, using a colander, a tea towel or your hands. Discard the liquid.

2. Put all of your fritter ingredients into a large bowl and mix well. (I use clean hands.)                                                                                                   4. Bake in a preheated oven as per the recipe below until golden brown, firm and cooked through.

Shape the mixture into 8 patties and put them onto a greased baking sheet.

  Well, that didn’t take long, but I did find a Courgette/Zuccini pickle recipe, which I’m going to HAVE to try as my granddaughter and her husband really like home made pickles.

Following on this last comment, catching up with my dughter and granddaughters, they gave me some great ideas to develop. As a result, a couple of days ago I filled some small pots with soil (found in the garage with lots of other small stuff left behind by the previous owners), which I watered gently as the soil was a bit old. Yesterday I took cuttings from my indoor plants, although thankfully all of these can grow outside if you wish and have a favourable space. 

Using bananas and tomatoes, thank you to Instagram tips, Johnsonengleng, I potted up all the cuttings I had taken, Kalanchoe, Mother of thousands, Jade tree, Christmas cactus AND rose heads from my lovely yellow rose ouside my window. I missed the red rose but will take from that next time.


For those who have budgts as small as mine – small – I don’t really have suitable indoor space for gardening. But, the garage does have a small half office size room, again, thanks to the previouse owners, which has a small square table size shelf. Too high to really work on, but it provided what I needed yesterday. I found a seedling tray from when I bought plants last year with holes in the bottom, so I put that in the old wheelbarrow sitting against the wall, then filled it with my newly planted cuttings. Soil was well damp, but will need watering this morning.

I now have three baby aubergines, another bunch of tomatoes ripening rapidly, spring onions also doing well and another Lebanese cucumber close to harvesting size, while the Coriander seeds are developing rapidly. Woo-eee

Do you remember when you were at school and had an unexpected day off? I do, and that’s just how I’m feeling right now. And next payday I’ll get some flower seedlings to grow for seeds, another of the family suggestions. Then next season, I will add packets of seeds with the cuttings and pickles to help bring in extra funds for food. After I’ve eaten all I want from my produce.

Haven’t been hydroponic shopping yet as, due to my recent traffic accident I haven’t yet caught up with my son about it. Virtually back to normal now thank goodness, so will be seeing him next week or the week after to get cracking on it. πŸ™‚

Now that the ideas are buzzing through my mind for other things I can do at home, I am wondering if any of you have ideas I could pick up on, too?? Any tips will be passed on in my next article. So, please, let me know what you want, need, can offer, anything. Just email me on or I will respond within 48 hours.