Checked on my veggie beds today, after three days away cat/house sitting. A lovely, peaceful break for me as they live on a 15ha block, ten minutes walk from their local beach, and my home is on a main road. Traffic from 4.30am till 11pm. I don’t really mind that as I live alone, so traffic noise is mostly company in a way.
Anyway, my newly planted veggies have had some welsome rain and are really perky. My Asparagus has sprouted ferny, fairy fronds, second season, so I checked online to see how long it takes for me t be able to harvest one of my favourite veggies. Three years/seasons they say, and also that they can send up as many as 25 shoots in a season. Yum! can’t wait. Also as I was curious I checked on what to do with the feathery fronds. Just leave them to turn brown, don’t cut them off as this helps them to grow strong shoots for when you can finally harves them. 🙂
My poor Coriander seedling hasn’t survived, so I bought another one today. Fingers crossed this one does well.
Bit late for Christmas Day new potatoes I fear, but no reason why I can’t still fill my potato bag with soil and seed potatoes anyway. So I’ll buy some soil and seed potatoes and plant week after next.
Weaher not too sure what it wants to do today, clouds, some grey, and some sunshine and blue sky. Decided to give it time to make up its mind and have a cup of coffee while I wait.
Got side-tracked and here we are almost teatime and I’m still playing online, so will walk tomorrow. I have an appointment and it is close enough for me to have a good walk there and back. So I will.
Will walk back via my local garage, see if they have any Tomato & Basil seedlings so will buy some. I have some small space, so will buy some, save me having to buy from the supermarket every shopping day and also same money in the long term. But as I have a Telegraph Cucumber in the fridge, I’ll save buying a Cucumber plant for when I get my drip/water feeder. That will be fun.
I saw something on a local garden site yesterday morning that will be fun, especially if you have chldren at home. Seed Bombs!
I must admit thaty if my kids were young enough to still be living at home, we would have a great time making these. Getting muddy and showering seeds everywhere, (OK, so I’m not a tidy gardener :-). Anyway, first things first.
Ingredients – to your own requirements.
6? cup sized chunkst of Potters? clay
1cup of seed minx, bigger seeds work better, (Calendular (marigold), Sunflower, Radish,etc) than the finer seeds.
1 cup of Blood and Bone
2 cups of potting mix,
These will make about 30-40 bombs. Photo
Put all ingredients into a big bucket or wheelbarrow,
mix slowly while gradually adding water, mixing all the time till your mixture is nice and tacky.
Shape handfuls into round balls.
Leave for 48 hours to dry, – then start throwing, or if you’re a tidy garedner, tossing onto the bed you have prepared ready for your lovely wildflower meadow. Or even wildflower bed.
Also hopefully find someone in the garden section who can offer advice for my hydroponic garden. Whatever I learn from them, I will pass on in my next article. I have an idea for a health article for my site, which I will get finished and posted next week. My first health post in too long, which I have started and am very much looking forward to finishing tomorrow.
Please contact me on if you have any questions, comments or hints, I will very much appreciate your input.