Last Saturday, I was able to cross something off my bucket list. Without even leaving home! I have always had the dream of seing an Aurora, north or south I wasn’t fussy. And this last weekend there was a massive geomagnetic storm caused by large flares and conronal ejections shooting off from the sun’s surface. This was so large, we were able to see the gorgeous red sky against the Milky Way and all the other stars out there: As far north as New Zealand’s Northland. The Aurora Australis is usually only visible in the lower South Island, so to see it here in the northern part of the North Island was a treat I will NEVER forget. My phone camera being dead, I tried to capture it with my ipad, but don’t think I was successful, though I will always have the images in my mind, which is a real plus.
Then yesterday was Mother’s Day here, and after church I was able to spend time with my wonderful son and daughter at my daughter’s home, then be part of the latest episode of Alpha also, at my church. I am really enjoying this course, and only partly because I love learning things, but also to catch up with others who have some similar desires as myself. It is wonderful to be able to share the love of our Lord without the pitying glances of those without the peace we have in or hearts.
Today is Monday and I am back into research, for this latest post, this time focused on achieving good health for those of us who are no longer young, but don’t want to slump into floppy ill health.
I must admit that for someone who has been increasingly concerned about the effects that Ultra Processed Foods are having on people becoming more and more damaging, I am encouraged by the many tests and research that is now being taken AND publicised, I have hope that people will begin to see for themselves the harm these foods are having on their, and more importantly, their children’s health. Since becoming aware of the disadvantages and ill health these foods can bring, I have taken far more notice of what I buy and eat now.
More and more research has proven that foods that are minimally processed and nutrient dense. Such as blueberries, leafy green vegetables and nuts etc. Also fatty fish (salmon) and yoghurt definitely help. I confess that my best breakfast during the week (I like eggs etc, on the weekend) includes Protein powder, Flax and Chia seeds, blueberries and raspberries, all mixed in with unsweetened yoghurt and Almond milk. This all came about after a chat with my daughter, someone who always seems to inspire me to do better, not from advertising or research. Even if research is my second favourite occupation after my writing :-). Somehow the information she passes on to me after her own research, is and continues to be, very beneficial to my own life and health. After all I have found through my own research, as well as my daughter’s, just reinforces the concerns I had (and have even deeper now) after watching and reading many health programs and health reseearch results.
From my office window (my smallest beadroom) I see a constant flow of people and traffic, sometimes having to force my mind back into my research/writing. But I love seeing the mothers with their littlies as they walk to and from the local primary school. Seeing their energy and enjoyment, even when mom is juggling two children, often one in a pushchair or on her hip always brings a smile to my face. My own children are grown with children of their own, now and sometimes I miss having that energy and love here in my own home every day.
But what I’m saying here, is that it grieves me that there seems to be less focus on keeping that health and energy into old age these days. Sadly, many of those with the money to influence these goals, are more interested in selling more and making food last longer on the shelves, even though it is being proved more and more often, just how the ingredients they add into these foods for this purpose are behind a lot of the obesity and ill health in today’s population.
Check into Brazil’s results and what they are doing to bring their people back from the obesity brought by advertising and selling the treaty type foods that were advertised and encouraged before they discovered the adverse effects. Before this there were very few obese people there, especially in the Amazon valley.
I decided for me, that this was not going to continue.
Now, I grow what I can, cook most of my own foods after finding recipes that appeal to me, and continue to research foods and supplements that can keep me as healthy as possible for my age. I even (groan) get myself out there and try to walk every day that I don’t have to go somewhere in the car. Not really groan 🙂 as when I’m out there I really enjoy myself, it’s just getting off my butt and into resepectable clothes for walking that causes the groan.
Now here is this post’s recipe.
High Protein pasta with peppers and brocolli
Black soybean spaghetti. I’m using wholemeal Spaghetti. Light olive oil Red bell pepper, chopped Broccoli florets (I’m including cauliflower) Fresh garlic, chopped Salt, pepper, and oregano Fresh basil (I have home dried so will use that) Also I might roast my veggies while the spaghetti is cooking.
FIrst cook your Spaghetti, then drain when cooked
Heat the olive oil in a small pan over medium heat. Add the red pepper and stir occasionally for 2 minutes. Add the broccoli, garlic, salt, pepper, and oregano. Cook for another 5 minutes or so until the broccoli is bright green. Stir occasionally to prevent the garlic from burning. You can start this step while the water is heating. Add Spaghetti to [an and combine with other ingredients. YUM.
** Or use your favourite vegetables, maybe Spinach, Roasted zucchini, Mushrooms, Chopped tomatoes, Sun-dried tomatoes, Fresh bell peppers or roasted red peppers, Sliced carrots, Broccoli rabe, Swiss chard, Kale, Collard greens, Sliced olives.
Well, looks like my ideas have run away with me so I will finish here for today. But remember I am really happy too here from you and can be contacted on or