This post is a little different from my usual offerings. I wanted to just talk a bit about how quickly accidents can happen. And that so often it was nothing you had done yourself. Which is why it’s called an accident of course. This was a huge shock to my system, but I promise that I will be back to normal next post. This one on the results of my research into vitamins, supplements and our health, which I had begun working on before my accident last week. Annoyingly, I have to look for another car to drive now. Oh well, – Onward and Upward.
Just a week ago, I was involved in a car accident. Thanfully not my mistake, but it was still a shock none the less.
Well, the drive to my daughter’s to look after her dogs did NOT go as planned. The driver of the van behind me, followed me round the left hand bend and as he did, he glanced to the left at a wrecked four wheel drive abandoned on the side of the road. Unfortunately, that quick glance was enough for him to miss both my brake lights AND right hand indicator where I had come to a halt to wait for a car to pass going the other way before turning into the road off to my right.

The force of the collision was so strong that it shot my car across the road right into the car I was waiting to pass behind into my road entrance. The poor guy in the van that hit me, didn’t even get the chance to put his foot on the brake himself. The poor man in the other car had his children in the back seat as they were on their way to the beach to go swimming. Luckily the driver’s father was driving a car behind him so he was able to rescue the children into his own car. BUT, my car hit him with such force that it turned the car around so it was facing the other way though on its own side of the road. My car stopped with its nose hanging over the ditch, but with all the windows intact, my boot looked like a boomerang and when my son went to the wreckers yard later, he told me that my car would be written off as the chassis had been damaged in the collision.
The guy who hit me, quite young, said that as he came round the bend in the road, his eye was distracted by the wreck in the ditch just for a fraction of a second, before BAM! There I was hovering above the ditch on the other side of the road. I hoped they might be able to fix it, but after speaking to my son the next morning I had to accept that the insurance company would probably write it off. As my granddaughter was expecting me I rang to let her know about the accident, then rang my friend who lives in the house on the next block of land, as my daughter was on her way to a funeral several hours drive away and I didn’t want to worry her while she and my son-in-law were driving down there. I felt I needed to let someone else know, who I know.
The police came took statements and photos and we were all brethalized, 🙂 I was negative (it was only 11am in the morning). My? guy was so distressed, but at the bottom of it all I think the damn wreck, which had been there for over a week, was most to blame for the accident, sun shining, everyone relaxed. But, that’s how accidents happen isn’t it?
Ten minutes after ringing my friend Donna, she and her husband turned up and he did mostly everything while I stood there like a dumb stock. Everyone was so kind. A guy driving a black car, stopped to direct traffic. First I noticed was his hazzard lights. Then an Auckland guy who is with the Auckland ambulance and was staying with his mum in the house on the corner came out and directed things from the other side. So many people stopped to ask if I was ok, even cyclists stopped. I tried to get hold of my son Graham, but couldn’t find his work number on my phone. So I rang my daughter in law and told her and she got hold of him so he came down. I was at my friends’ having a calming cup of coffee by the time he arrived as he had a good half hour drive down from Whangarei to the accident spot.
He helped me to deal with the insurance company and thanks to my daughter’s advice I mentioned a loan car, which was granted. So Graham picked me up the next morning and took me to the hire company to pick up my loan car. Thankfully as the guy hit me from the rear, I won’t have to pay the excess, which will help when looking for another car. which is a plus.
But with hindsight I think it will be a long time before I turn right into Uretiti Road if there is a car coming the other way, phew. Also I wasn’t driving my main car, plus, and I came away with no physical injury, plus, apart from shock I suppose, AND I didn’t fall apart, plus. But the biggest plus was that my Lord kept me from being killed, a major PLUS.Â
A word to all those who have suffered similarly, keep putting one foot in front of the other and refuse to allow your problems to bring you down. I don’t know if I can help anyone physically as we only communicate via the internet, but I CAN listen and be there if you need an ear 🙂
Please contact me on and know that I WILL respond, usually within48 hours.