Planning beds for my veggies
I remember a few years ago, watching a TV programme about the prospects for space tourism. Need to be pretty darn wealthy AND young to enjoy one of those trips, I thought. Then about half way through, what should pop up, but a segment on the need to eat while staying at our Sky hotel, somewhere – out there in space.As part of the preparations for making a space resort a reality they had built – wait for it – a hydroponic system inside a glass tunnel, which they called a Luna Greenhouse. Oh yes, I could really get into something like that, with beautiful lines of plastic piping containing budding vegetables that are growing in just nutrient laden water. Then I looked at the size of the tidy piping and quickly came back to earth. My deck, where I plan to grow almost everything this year, is a tad smaller than a space ship I feel. 🙂 Oh, well, back to the drawing board.
Starting again from scratch is a little daunting, especially in a new, warmer environment and with no equipment, just a deck and lawn. But I have an imagination and the ability to plan and adapt, so I know I can do this. Think I’ll buy some seed potatoes when I do the shopping this week, I was unable to travel to visit a long term friend today as I had planned, so have enough to do this and get soil as well as I didn’t have to get petrol for the two hour each way trip.
I do have two large, long raised beds on my back deck, which are currently nurturing Couch grass and Kale, the last from last season. Being sick and without energy for the past three months has given the weeds free rein, making them really tough to dig up. Also made great inroads into my motivation. WHAT motivation I ask myself? SO – My new daily mantra is – Don’t wait for motivation – just get up and DO it!
First things first, pull out all the weeds. Started this and will, weather permitting, finish by tomorrow, the grass is VERY long.
Looking better, but not ready yet. Shame the Kale will have to go as when cooked fresh it’s really yummy. But I only have to finish removing the clump of grass and replace it with another of my plants, then I can start on the other bed. Think I’ve decided to make that into a herb bed, or for summer shallow rooted seedlings.
I have a list of things I need which, as I am currently on a very limited budget I will purchase on an urgent need basis. On thinking about it now my illness free brain is finally working, I remembered some of the things I had when growing hydroponic vegetables in the far south of the South Island, before moving to these warmer parts of the North Island. I still have my first trays, AND a box of little fibre pots with grow plugs hiding seeds ready for water and nutrients. Not a lot to go on, but with a small payment coming in tomorrow, I have the beginnings.
I just re-read my long ago articles and was again inspired. Thinking as I read that I might even re-use the large container I used back then, either inside or check viability of putting it on the back deck, which gets heaps of sunshine. Remembering the satisfaction of growing spring and summer vegetables makes me want to do it again – and better. Especially as I have discovered some yummy recipes for Peppers and Courgettes. Which, means I am having to practice patience. Not easy as I really want my plants to produce overnight. Yes, even before they are planted. Raise your hand if you think this expectation is a little unrealistic.
I am still researching the requirements for my version of growing hydroponically and am leaning toward trying the Drip Irrigation System. It looks more or less to be easily understood and actioned by most people. The beauty of it also being that it can be used for both hydroponic and soil growing, which will certainly make it easier for me to work with anyway. My research so far has reminded me that not everyone has the wherewithal to spend major amounts on starting this type of new venture. And, I really believe that for so many of us, the cost of feeding our families often urges us to opt for the very foods that will feed us – just; but at the cost of our, and our families future health.
It occurred to me this morning, that others, like me, want to feed themselves and their families, but that their budget has very little “give” in it. For me, it means acquiring what I need in the weeks that my income arrives. I gave up credit cards a few years ago and although it was really hard at first, (sometimes even now) I now am easily able to wait for what I want. And the beauty of this plan means I pay for what I want/need with real money at the time, so not buying and paying with money I would have to pay to some company or other at the end of the month.
Then, purchasing a square raised bed to place on the lawn close to the fence for those vegetables that need more than they can get in a hydroponic plot. Thankfully we are well into Spring here so good growing weather on the way. First bed almost clear, just one stubborn bunch of grass to go, when weather picks up again. In that bed I have several of my potted flowers, still in their pots, waiting for my next foray to the garden centre for fresh soil to give the flowers a good start when I remove them from their pots and plant them in the bed unbound. Also, when clearing the bigger pots, (Bay, Rosemary, Mint and Thyme), I found the small pots I bought last season containing baby Asparagus, yum. I have placed those seedlings into a very large pot to give them a chance to thrive, hopefully in the coming season. (I read somewhere that it takes more than one season to grow Asparagus to harvesting time) so, MORE patience needed.
I had forgotten that I also have a mini greenhouse with a destroyed (thank you Cyclone Gabrielle) plastic cover, so have now added a new cover to my wish list, with the thought that I can put my little fibre pots and seeds in there to get them started enough for the roots to reach the nutrients in the water tray beneath the larger pots they will inhabit once we’re up and running. Isn’t it amazing really that they say that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’, or something like that. I confess that I really enjoy finding solutions that enable me to achieve my goals in spite of my own limitations, both financial and physical, as I’m no spring chicken any more I work hard to negate that fact.
After shopping this week I find that hydroponic planting will have to wait until I have the funds for the filter system I will need and the pots to grow them in. Still I bought all I needed for every day and still have enough to last to next pay day, just a couple of weeks away.