Goodness me! – Couch grass has such determined roots,
But I have even more determination, and so, finally, this morning I pulled out that stubborn flipping bunch.
Potted flowers are now sitting on the weed free raised bed, waiting for the removal of all the remaining roots and the new soil which will give my flowering plants the nutrients they need to thrive. Not in pots , as previously, but in their own lovely bed. Also some of my seedlings, Betroot, Coriander and Chives are therre as they will be harvested more quickly, then I can palnt more flowers. Possibly Calendula as the insects hate that. WIll do a bit of research on pest discouraging plant/flowers.
For those who are new at this, a bit like me, I worried that the mass of roots, of which there seemed to be so many, left in the soil when I had cleared out the grass and weeds, that they would regrow again. So I checked the gurus online. Not to worry, apparently the roots left there just rot down into the soil, (as long as all the other plant parts have been removed of course). Also they will become nutrients for the new plants in they bed.
Second bed is now cleared of last years veggies (Kale) and weeds, new soil dumped and all seedlings planted, Mixed Lettuces, Pak CHoi, Pink Choi, Baby leaf Mustard. They are really perked up, although I have some wide rigid plastic netting over the beds (both of them) as the sttay cats (Who I feed daily) used those boxes as latrines last year. Not going to happen this year! 🙂
Looks like we’re heading toward an El Nino summer here, so I’ll have to keep an eye on how they’re all doing, be prepared to water, probably, as they’re in raised beds on my deck, on a daily basis.
Not sure how good my harvest will be, though going by previous attemps, shouldn’t be too bad. I am also lookg forward to cooking and eating what I grow of my favourite produce. Also just stepping out on my back deck instead of having to drive to the nearest supemarket.
On the finance side, the whole lot now planted cost less that $50, including the 40ltr bag of vegetable mix soil. So no matter how many I can harvesy, they will have cost me no more than that. Next on the agenda is Tomato and Basil, which a friend told me really thrive when planted together.
It will be a little longer before I plant major vegetables as I have to save for the large raised bad they will need and my Hydroponic garden is next on my expense agenda. I will be paying a visit to my local Bunnings Warehouse to chat with whoever in their Garden section can advise on the dos and don’ts of growing hydroponics.
There is so much to learn and do that I’m likely to be very busy for the next little while.
On the practical side, my son usually calls in every few days and he has promised to help me move the plant laden boxes around to accommodate my re-covered mini greenhouse and my new hydroponic bed. Be a bit tiring, but well worth it, meaning I can hopefully buy what I need when I go to do my shopping next week.
My friends came round a few days ago and we were able to move my Grapevine and Philladelphus out of pots into the garden and both are looking good. They clearly prefer being in the ground. They repotted my Bay tree, Rosemary, Mint and Thyme into larger beds to go with the Asparagus plants I bought last year. Also, my North Island CHerry tree is showing real growth this year. I will be laying a semicircle of old house bricks around it and filling it with fresh soil in hopes that it will give me fruit this season. I bought it three years ago, so am hoping that this year or next I will see my first cherries.
I saw something on a gardening progremme the other day, where the guy said that you need patience for gardening, of any kind, but the rewards are great. That’s what I’m aiming for.
Thank you for reading.
Please email me on if you have any comments, questions or hints that you would like to pass on.