Winter Musings

It’s funny how our beginning shapes our future, isn’t it?

For me, growing up in the UK, it was house with garden, although we were very lucky, with a small garden at the front, which had an evergreen climber covered with berries in the winter on the wall below the front window. With, also a 100 foot garden at the back, mostly to grass, though I do remember a huge Poplar tree, fairly close to the back of the house, which was struck by lightning during one storm sending the upper half crashing down across the fence, thankfully not the house. Until it was cleared, it made a nice shelter for the dog’s kennel, not that I can remember if we had a dog at that time. Also, about 8 or 9 feet from the bottom fence, there was a line of Poplars, giving us kids some wonderful space for playing games, With down the right hand side bordering our neighbour’s properyty, spaced in among the large Privet hedge were spaced beautiful Lilac shrubs, favourite flowers of mine to this day. 

Neighbours were close enough as we lived in a terrace house, close enough for the kids to play with each other. And back then of course, without the fears that we would be abducted, or hurt/killed by bad people on the street, I remember in fact that we kids roamed everywhere, sometimes in a big bunch, sometimes a small one. We walked to school and back, (no parents driving us there) down the road to the small local shops for sweets (lollies) and thankfully, my parents had no need to worry about anything other than accidents.

For others, it was living in apartments several stories high, without gardens other than pots on the balconies, but still, I think from what I’ve read through the years, kids were still able to play on the streets outside their homes.  My husband and I lived in a city apartment after we sold our house. It was very nice, on the 6th floor, with two bedrooms a good sized living/dining room with a pretty kitchen off to one side. A balcony around two sides, with fabulous views over the Harbour, and the local railway lines so we were able to sit and look down on all the movement at street level, including the huge liners making their stately way to the town basin. It was really lovely, but after six months I needed my feet on the ground again, and a garden.

I feel so sorry for this generation of children, although where I live, in a smallish village, with primary school in walking distance, houses with gardens, and small parks/domains close, too, I think we are still blessed in some ways. And thankfully also, people are far more aware of, and wary of, the downside of this open knowledge and so watch children closer than previously. Now though, the sun is shining and this week I was able to photograph a large raised bed similar to what I want for my garden. I was dog sitting for my daughter and son in law and they have a beautiful specimen in their back garden, so I took my ipad :-). We are now closing on the end of our first month of Winter, with all its weather uncertainties so every day with sunshine is a plus, isn’t it? We have rain forecast for Sunday up here in Northland, so while I can I’ll walk down to the shops, get out in the fresh, even if a bit chilly, air. Yesterday was full on as I had to drive up to Whangarei, after two previous days of driving. Then when I had finished my appointment, I found NOWHERE to buy coffe and cakee as there was a Northland wide power cut due to a mishap with one of the power pylons. I did get to meet up with my son, but only for a short time as we couldn’t indulge in a coffee as we had planned.

Oh well. Today will be better. My veggies are growing beautifully and I think I might dig up a couple more of my globe carrots. Also check on my peas, see if any of them are large eough to pick, too. I know the Broad Beans will take longer and am waiting impatiently to be able to harvest them. Although as I love them when they’re small, I will try NOT to pick them too soon as I need to leave enough to cook, rather than eat them all straight from the pod. Does anyone else like eating their beans raw?? Oh, for goodness sake! Checking progress yesterday after church, I found 2 baby Aubergine fruit hanging from the plant that I thought was finished and which I had only left in the ground because I have never grown one before so had no idea of its growing cycle. 🙂

Well, here I am at the end of another saga, hope you liked it. Do you have memories that you can share about growing up in apartment land? Let me know, I would love to hear from you. Comment below, I will reply. Or email me, my addresses are, or

Have a great week. While the rain has eased off here, I will certanly work to have the best week I can. 

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